zondag 12 september 2010


working on the collar, tomorrow pat will pick up the lenses.. it will be fiiine :3 <3 we are going to look so hot!

zaterdag 11 september 2010

Zeh Cwown!

Now only the decorations and the crown is done!

*runs around in circles*
I still do not have the lenses @_@
I need to finish the dressssssss

zondag 29 augustus 2010

maandag 23 augustus 2010


I'm just gonna post pictures :P

Short update!
still to do/order:
- attach the beads and pearls
- finish the crown and decorate
- order lenses
- close the skirt
- attach sleeve
- make the "collar"
- make the points on the dress

dinsdag 27 juli 2010


Well the beads and tulle I ordered
came in today :D

I might work on my crown this evening,
I'll update it once it's done :D

Not that I like to list things or
something 8-)

Still need to order/buy:

- Gems for the crown
- Golden spray paint
- Lenses

Still left to do:
- Finish the crown (paper mache, foam, spray-paint
and decorate)
- Attach one sleeve
- Close up things in
the skirt.
- Zippper :P
- Pockets
- Decorate dress
- Make the "collar" and
decorate :3

Last but certainly not least:
Show it off in September with La :D

donderdag 8 juli 2010


Another update!!

And yet again, Laura and I have
done ALOT about Imperia Crimson!

We made the frame of the crown,
have to cover it up, paint it and
do the decorations ^^.

The dress is mostly attached now,
I've tried it with an old petticoat
and the bumroll.

Things do to still: attach the
other sleeve, attach the last things
of the skirt, cut the skirt to the right length
and decorate! And ofcourse make the right petticoat.

You can see on the pictures that it only makes it
wide near the hips, but what we want is to make
a complete width in the skirt.

Still to order/buy:
- Tulle
- Beads, gems and ornaments.
- Lenses
- Spray paint
- Some kind of glue

And now, the pictures we made of the great
progress we've made in these three days!;

zaterdag 26 juni 2010

The great update!


I've spent last monday till thursday
with La <3

We've been working very hard on Imperia
Crimson :D and I'd proudly show you
the progress we've made together :D!

The bumroll! XD (yes it's called like that.. it's another thing to make the skirt wider and will be placed around the waist underneath the petticoat)

The gorgeous front of the skirt.

The beautiful top with one complete sleeve and one front piece
of the skirt :3.

The unattached sleeve :P

And more loose parts that would complete the outfit <3
Still need to sew on the decorations in time :3

Need to order tulle
and the right gems..

gems = 30 euros
tulle = 30 euros
ticket = 35 euros
lenses = 19,50

This month I'll try to
buy the ticket and/or the tulle..

@_@ AAH! I might not make it T_T

More later ;3


woensdag 16 juni 2010

Roughly made


There's still a lot to do
in order to start with the project
with Laura :3

What I still need to finish it all:
- (New sombrella >_>)
- Make up?
- Tulle
- Cotton
- Gems (larger black/red)
- Lenses
- To figure out a way to succesfully make
a crown T_T
I guess that's it for now :3

I'll show you a little somethinnnggg..
I've made a rough sketch of how I'd look
with the wig, crown and lenses :P
Made it with paint X3

Pretty cool huh? XD

maandag 7 juni 2010

Finally found the cable to
upload pictureees :33

Soo I was experimenting with
the make up.. This is what came out:

Not really what I'm looking for..

Annnd I want to show you the fabrics I already had!
The Royal Red looks a little pink, but that's because of the flashlight in the camera XD

Well, Paige liked the fabrics X3

zaterdag 29 mei 2010


Soo the gems are heeeere..
But I think the red and black ones
are a bit too small XD..
3-4mm >_> while my pearls are 8mm...

Soo have to send the gems back..

In the meanwhile some great news!
I'm moving to Sittard :D (still the same
province, more up).

We're hoping to start living there
halfway July..

maandag 24 mei 2010


Yeaaaaahh I got home last night
and Patrick was like "Oh yeah, there's
a package for you, it came in on saturday"

I jumped to the kitchen and picked up the package,
ripped it open and yeah.. MY WIG!!! :D:D

Amazing.. I ordered and payed it on friday,
and they recieved the payment and sent the
package on the same day O_O

My god they're fast.. Perfect! :D

So you're wondering what I might look like
in this wig huh? :3

Well have a look :D

AAhaha :3 j/k but it also looks good on the buddha ne? :3
Alright, here it comes :3

And? :3
God XD have to get used to the bangs XD itchyyy

vrijdag 21 mei 2010


So here I am at my parent's house in Germany..

They still have some stuff that belongs to me,
but my house is really small to fit it all in XD

So I knew I had some red tulle at their house that
I was planning to use on another project, but since
that never happend and being busy on Imperia Crimson
now, 5(!)metres of red tulle could always come in handy XD

So I'm taking that home, and I also want to order more tulle
at a webshop that also have a store (too far away for me)..

I visited the store once with Laura to buy fabrics :3
So the tulle's gonna cost me 15 euro's :3 Maybe a tiny
bit more adding shipping costs, but not much more ^^

OH Yeah! I ordered the wig! This is the wig I ordered:

Isn't she pwetty n_n I'm not sure if the length is right, but I can
always cut off a tiny piece :3

Hope to recieve the wig around monday, tuesday..
perhaps wednesday :3 YAY! Can't wait to see how it looks
and to show you guys XD

Well... Laura, since she's the only follower ._.

donderdag 20 mei 2010

Another look

So, let's have another look at the gorgeous design that Laura drew for me..

*swoons* Can you imagine me walking gracefully wearing this gorgeous dress?

Anyway, I recieved the foam this week :D
Thinking about zooming in on this design to the crown and draw it over..
Hmm.. what more..

Oh yes!
I'd like to update my "grocery list" XD since I know some exact prices :3

Needs:                                 Costs:
Wig                                       30 euro´s
Props (head and net)         ±10 euro's
Paint (3 kinds)                     ±15 euro's
Gems                                     21,90 euro´s
Fake lashes                         ±5 euro´s

Total:                                 ±81,90 euro´s..

Seems like alot.. And there might be some changes in the prices, but if I have all of this, I might have everything I still need to actually make the whole dress :D
Tulle is the only thing I need to order.. What was it again.. 8 to 10 metres I think? And it's 1,50 a meter :3 And actually to complete the whole look I still need colored lenses.. Trying to find a shop that sells them for a normal price XD

I also still need to buy some other kinds of gems, golden framed ones to be specific ^^ I already showed you the links, I'll just add the pictures of the things I MIGHT order as well :3

Really cute huh?.. I might order some or all.. But most of them will be made on the dress itself, haven't found a pretty frame that might fit on my crown.. Perhaps the flower :3 I'm not planning on buying a lot of those.. I hope I can afford it all XP I know Laura would love to help me out when I'm in financial trouble, but I want to buy them all myself >=(

Oh! I haven't shown the wig I want to order yet! :3
Look! Which one do you think I should order???
Hmm.. I'm wearing a high "collar".. shouldn't I go
look for a short haired wig???

A little edit..
I changed the crown and did the wig with bangs :3 look!
What do you think? :3

Hmm I'll order the second wig :3 Can't wait to see how it looks on me *dances*

dinsdag 18 mei 2010


Collecting some links for the right gems X3
I'll add the pictures of the ones I'm going to order ^^

Laura made some calculations for me to find out how many
gems I need to order in which colors :3

I need 100 red gems, a 100 black gems, 250 pearl gems

http://www.sayila.nl/shopmenu.asp?mainmenu=beads&submenu=626 the black and red gems (8 euro's)

http://www.sayila.nl/shopmenu.asp?mainmenu=beads&submenu=1174 the pearls (7,50 euro's)

http://www.sayila.nl/shopmenu.asp?mainmenu=beads&submenu=1174 golden pearls (3,90)

Total! -> 19,40 euro's plus 2,50 shipping costs = 21,90 euro's
YAY! Let's add the pictures!

Put together by Laura :3

Some idea's of other decorations :3



We'll see what follows :3 I'll update this later :3

zondag 16 mei 2010



So Laura drew another design for my new
dress, an upgrade as it were XP
But it's so gorgeous O_O I mean,


Isn't she a genius <3

donderdag 13 mei 2010

The Crown!

Soo I'm planning to start off with the crown.
I will make it with craft foam.

Here are some links what people made with craft foam, really cool!
really nice armor, made with craft foam.

also parts of armor, I need those colours for my crown, but more like the left one, I really need to make it look like it's real gold ^^;.

the complete armor :P really awesome..

Well reading some blogs and tutorials about how to use it makes it more of a challenge.. It's not going to be easy!

Hmm let's see.. I've found a site where I can order them.. That would be this one http://nl.ebid.net/for-sale/white-craft-foam-sheet-a4-8543958.htm

And it seems like I would need a max of 10 sheets in case I screw up during the process XD.. Would be abouttt 11 dollars.. 8 euro's?
Not too expensive and the shipping costs are included!

Well now I need to find a good paint that would make it look like it's real gold.. *searches*..

http://www.alrhobby.nl/ Hmm let's keep this one in mind.. This site has LOTS of hobby products. I am thinking about buying their gold paint and maybe some gemstones.. However, this site is Dutch! So for my English friends it might be hard to read ;3.

Besides the foam and gemstones, I will also need pearls and pearl "chains".. But this would be a simple task. I have some pearl thingies here at home and I could also buy a pearl necklace and use it for the crown ^^.

And I think I would be down to the last thing I need.. I would need iron wire(?) to make the crown stronger and such.. I believe Laura has some, so I might not need to buy it myself..

Once I have all these materials, I will be able to get started! :D Oh! And I think it might be wise to order the wig and wighead and net in order to make it fit in ;3..

Let's make a small calculation :3

Needs:                                 Costs:
Wig                                       30 euro´s
Props (head and net)         ±10 euro's
Paint (3 kinds)                     ±15 euro's
Gems                                    ±20 euro´s
Fake lashes                         ±5 euro´s

Total:                                 ±80 euro´s..

80 euro´s for the head only O_O...
Hmm doubting about buying colorlenses..
I really do want them.. They´d be the final touch..

Well, the good thing is, I already bought
the royal red velvet (I suppose it's velvet..,
and black lace for the dress..
To make my skirt huge and wide, I'm going to need tulle(?) for
the petticoat.

I already have one black petticoat. I think I might use
that petticoat for this. And I also have app. 3 metres of
red tulle. I might need an additional.. 10 metres to be sure
I think ^^.. Let's see how much that will cost ^^.
15 euro's! That's less than I expected :3

Soo 15 plus 80 = 95 euro's if I haven't overseen anything XD
But this costume will be ridiculously gorgeous, and outstanding >:3
I made the app. calculations bigger than they will be, so it can only be cheaper XD

Well, that's it for now!

F-ing html >________________>

*update* I just ordered Craftfoam for 7 euro's total :3 I updated the "grocery list" XD

Imperia Crimson

Yay! So here the pictures of how my costume will look like if everything goes well ^^

*clears throat* I hereby present you;
project Imperia Crimson! :3



You can click on the pictures to see them enlarged ^^

Hope it will work :3

woensdag 12 mei 2010

Hi :3


Well I didn't start my project yet..
But I can show you the designs Laura made ^^
Two minds, one thought, only she can draw much
better and she can sew T_T.. I will learn it!

Project Imperia Crimson :3

Crap, I just realized that this computer has been reinstalled, so it has no picture of the design >_>...