dinsdag 27 juli 2010


Well the beads and tulle I ordered
came in today :D

I might work on my crown this evening,
I'll update it once it's done :D

Not that I like to list things or
something 8-)

Still need to order/buy:

- Gems for the crown
- Golden spray paint
- Lenses

Still left to do:
- Finish the crown (paper mache, foam, spray-paint
and decorate)
- Attach one sleeve
- Close up things in
the skirt.
- Zippper :P
- Pockets
- Decorate dress
- Make the "collar" and
decorate :3

Last but certainly not least:
Show it off in September with La :D

1 opmerking:

  1. Yay :D I'll send you instructions on how to sew a petticoat. I'm sure you can do it :D
    I'm lookding forward to seeing your work on the crown -xxx- love u
